Tommy Ku Photography


Stereography Part 2 - The power of money
Analog 3D for people with disposable income

My Photo Storage
DIY photo storage

Photowalk to 2024
A new start

X-ray scans at Airport security checkpoints
Hand check please. No machine.

Photowalk from the peak to the harbor
Going downhill from up there

Photowalk in Haw Par Mansion
A photowalk with a beginner in film photography

Permission to photograph
Know your rights

When things don't work out
Keep trying

Do I really know my gear?
I haven't used my gears enough to understand them fully

Travel Photography: The Experience
The experience for travel photography on my trip to Japan

Fuji X better focus assist
Maybe better on black and white

Fixing light leaks on Olympus XA2
It's really easy

Travel Photography: The Photos
The photos for travel photography on my trip to Japan

Travel Photography: The Cameras
The cameras for travel photography on my trip to Japan

2023 Outlook
An outlook of my photography in 2023

2022 in Review
A look back into my photography in 2022

Infrared, so far
You can see what you cannot see

Choose your Own Adventure
How to carry on my work of photography

Photowalk in Inspiration Lake
And you can

Stereography Part 1 - Wiggle the wigglegram
Analog 3D for poor people before VR goggles had become the thing

What happened to those expired film
Think twice before you try

PESOS my Instagram stories
You can, if you want, when you do

The thing about Instagram
Why I stopped posting to Instagram every day

Poor man's panorama
Mostly because you can, but also because you are poor

Trichrome fun: Shooting color with BnW film
In preparation of the apocalypse when the only available film is black and white

Photowalk in Shek Lung Kung: Part 2
Do I want likes or this

Photowalk in Shek Lung Kung: Part 1
Choose your own adventure

Photowalk in Nam Sang Wai
The time going out alone and get uncomfortable to get comfortable

What to do in cloudy season
The sun just refuses to come out for weeks, now what?

Photowalk in Fleet Arcade
A photowalk to Fleet Arcade with Agfa Optima 1535

Photowalk in Peng Chau
A photowalk to Peng Chau with Agfa Optima 1535 and Ansco Memar

Virtual Exhibition on Mozilla Hub
Hosting a poor man's photo exhibition to a shocking realization

2022 Outlook
An outlook of my photography in 2022

2021 in Review
A look back into my photography in 2021

Fixing the Ansco Memar
The Ansco Memar the is first manual film camera in my collection with a stuck focus ring, which I eventually fixed many months later

Need proper burial: Don't buy overly cheap cameras
Bought of job lot of 2 Russian FEDs for dirt cheap (discounting shipping) and disappointed as I should have been, lesson learned

Panorama: spamming the last few shots
Finishing a roll of film with 36 shots after having exhausted your creativities after a long day on the street is fairly difficult, untill I learned to take panorama with film

How the AGAT 18K turns out
Review for the AGAT 18K I bought on eBay, and it turns out to be a pretty nice camera despite a number of flaws

Some more tricks on Kodak FunSaver
As I used and researched more and more about my FunSaver, I have found out a few more tricks that I want to share

7 additional tips on using disposable camera
A follow up to my previous post on disposable cameras, with tips I gathered after months of usage

Disposable camera for budget entry-level film photography
How I entered into film photography using disposable cameras, and why they are not as disposable as advertised